Staind - Live From the Mohegan Sun (Bluray)

Hearing this one prior to the visual, had me salivating for this Bluray. Not being the biggest fan of Staind, I probably would have never picked this one up, but with the strength of the live CD set, it was a no brainer. When you think of Staind, you think of the slow heavy ballads, and not much else, but after the live experience, you realize that this band is much heavier, and not just a one trick pony.
I'm pleased to say that the Bluray holds up to the CD and provides an enjoyable concert experience. The show is shot with a film look which looks amazing. Granted, the band is not the most energetic group on stage, but it doesn't matter, because the music does the talking. All in all a solid view, that is a nice accompaniment to an already strong live disc. Get the two together and see if you can get them to sync.
Bottom Line: Nu-school metal guys proving that they are more than ballad writers. These guys bring it live and get heavier than you would ever imagine.
-Ragman has a new respect for this band.

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