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Martyrd - The Mortal Coil

New Yorkers Martyrd seem to have a pretty good handle on the whole progressive metal thing. Nice work, guys.I had never heard of New York City band Martyrd until I attended a recent concert here in Houston. They were one of the opening acts. We talked with the band and they were amiable and enthusiastic to chat about their ambitions. When I listened to their latest CD, which they generously provided, I was impressed with the maturity of the songs and the overall musicianship. The Mortal Coil is a good representation of the progressive metal genre I know and love - one that began probably just before these guys were born.

A quick look at their Facebook page and website reveals their influences to be a nice mix of the progressive metallers (Symphony X, Angra, Dream Theater, et al) and old school thrashers (Megadeth, Testament, Metallica, Overkill, et al), and I'm happy to say that these influences and the band's hard work have resulted in a fine sophomore effort. Even the mix was good, which can often be where an otherwise great sounding band can be degraded in the transition from live performance to recorded mediums.

On a side note, I came across a review written years ago for their debut CD that was unusually harsh. I won't mention names, but it was bad enough to seem like the guy had a vendetta against the band or something. If there's any truth to his accusations, then it serves as a real statement to bootstrapping for a band to come from the album that reviewer described to this new one I heard. Kudos to the guys in Martyrd for slogging it out and making a progressive metal album that can stand amongst others in the genre.

The Bottom Line: The Mortal Coil is a worthy CD of progressive metal songs from a band that sounds quite serious about making good music, and I'm very interested to hear where they go on future efforts. Check 'em out.

- Genghis was really shocked at that guy's vitriolic review...

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