Judas Priest - Epitath

Well if you missed Judas Priest on their last our, never fear, because it is now available of DVD via Epitath. That's right kiddies, the Priest are back, with a live performance from the Hammersmith Odeon in London, from the last date of their Epitath tour. The set list is retro-spective which touches on every era of the band. The band played at least one tune form every album they ever put out. Pretty sweet! The DVD is shot well, like a film. The camera work can get a little erratic at times, but it isn't enough to take away from the show. The band sound great and new comer Richie Faulkner fits in nicely. To be honest I miss KK, but Richie does a nice job filling his shoes. I think the best thing about the DVD is that the band genuinely look like they are enjoying themselves, especially Tipton. The band look rejuvenated and give the fans the feeling they will forge ahead and continue rocking us. A solid watch. For all Priest and metal fans alike. Go get this one.
Bottom Line: Halford and company delivering the goods, once again. The band look and sound great and show no signs of slowing down.
-Ragman is still kicking himself for having too many ales, at this show.

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