Battlecross - War Of Will

Holy shit this band knows how to rock. Who knew Detroit was hiding talent like this in its dessicated husk of a city? No offense.Detroit maniacs Battlecross have released their latest album, War Of Will, 2 years after their impressive debut Pursuit Of Honor and this sophomore disc is replete with brutal, ass-kicking tunes to satisfy lovers of different genres. From full throttle, Overkill-style thrash, to the harmonized riffage and thrilling shred of melodeath, to the harmonic squeals of Pantera-style Southern metal, Battlecross knows how to fucking rock a room and they're clearly after nothing less than global domination.
As if the disc wasn't impressive enough, they only just entered the studio in March of this year having attacked a year with a relentless thirst for touring that would make grizzled veterans beg for a vacation. It's like they're assassin musician robots from the future with the single mission of destroying [the eardrums and necks of] the human race. Man, I have to quit drinking when I write these things.
The Bottom Line: So imagine Marty McFly (Lamb of God) is in the parking lot during the Enchantment Under The Sea dance with his mom ([old] In Flames) and decides, "what the hell, let's do it, baby". Their paradoxical, time-destroying baby would be named Battlecross. Marinate on that, kids. And if you like headbanging, check out this band!
Tracks That Make A Good Case For Disturbing The Neighbors: Flesh & Bone, Get Over It and Wage A War
- Genghis did more than a couple of double takes listening to this disc...

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