dUg Pinnick - naked

dUg Pinnick's latest solo album is appropriately titled, Naked, because dUg lets it all hang out, on this one. Okay, don't get the wrong idea, his junk ain't out on the cover, what I'm talking about, is that he is very transparent with this release. dUg apparently has a lot of demons, which he has released, on his latest CD. Lyrically dUg bears all emotionally on this disc. I'm not a guy that pays that much attention to lyrics these days, but it hard to ignore what he is singing about on this record. dUg sings with so much emotion, so it is hard to ignore what the guy is singing about.
Naked is a bit heavier than his last solo effort Strum Sum Up, which was more groove oriented. The CD is heavy is sound and emotion. As I mentioned before, dUg lets it all hang out on this record. The CD is not that much different than what you expect from Pinnick. It is heavy groove ladened rock with a major edge and killer melody. dUg brings back a lot of the killer harmony styled vocals for this album, which I have been diggin on. As you would guess, their is a bit of soul on the album, and the track Ain't That the Truth is a perfect example. I really dug the first part of the CD, but some the latter tracks, I have been having a harder time getting into.I think this one is one, that will get stronger with each spin.
Bottom Line: dUg Pinnick exposes himself emotionally, on this release. Songs that are moody and uplifting, at the same time. I don't think I have heard his bass ever sound this heavy. Soulful, melodic, grooving tunes.
Standout Tracks: If You Fuk Up, What Ya Gonna Do?, Courage and I Hope I Don't Lose My Mind.
-Ragman will not be getting naked for the next podcast.

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