Death Dealer - War Master

Who said there aren't such things as super-groups? Not sure, but whoever it was, didn't know what the hell he was talking about. The latest super-group to grace my CD player, is Death Dealer. Death Dealer is comprised of vocalist Sean Peck (Cage), guitarist Ross the Boss (Ex-Manowar), drummer Rhino (Ex-Manowar), bassist Mike Davis (Halford/Lizzy Borden) and are rounded off by guitarist/producer Stu Marshall (UDO). Together, these guys have created some molten metal, hot enough, to give you sun burn from 10 miles away. This band is heavy, and they aren't afraid to give you a swift kick in the shorts, with their brutal style of music.
The band's debut, Warmaster, blends thrash, power and progressive metal, all into one sound. The CD begins with the pummeling track, Death Dealer, which brings back memories of Painkiller era, Judas Priest. It is just as intense as the Priest classic, but with a more modern vibe. A standout on the record, is the guitar playing of Ross the Boss. Boss' guitar playing, on this CD, is phenomenal. I knew the guy had chops, but he really shows them off on this release. Another strong presence is Sean Peck. Peck has pipes of steel, and sings his ass off on this record. To be fair, all of the guys involved lend a stellar performance to the album.
The CD is full of fast and midtempo tunes with the exception of the ballad, Children of Flames. I do like the variety on this disk. It is a nice mix. One minute you're banging your head and the next your are singing along with the band's anthem, Hammer Down. Solid tunes executed to perfection, by some metal veterans. Go get it.
Bottom Line: The songs on this disk are brutal and over the top, but there is enough melody to keep them interesting. Peck and Boss shine on this record.
Standout tracks: Never to Kneel, Children of Flames, Hammer Down and Curse of the Heretic.
-Ragman is wondering if these dudes were in to D & D.

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