MOLD - You Breathe, You Die.

Mold is about an experiment, gone terribly wrong. In the 80's, at the height of the war on drugs, a group of military scientist were given the task, of creating something to kill off, all of the coca fields. Well, they created a mold spore, that would attack the evil plants, but it was also toxic to humans. As the scientists are testing their mold spores, on lab rats, a decanter breaks and infects one of the scientist's. It goes downhill from there. The scientist turns into a mold infected zombie, and starts attacking the rest of the group. It is not only himself, but as the others walk into areas, where the spores have been released, they get infected as well. I guess you can pretty much figure it out from there.
Mold was fairly entertaining, which is more than I can say about some of the other flicks I've checked out lately. It is a B-movie, with cheap effects, but that is what makes these movies entertaining. The challenging part, is having a storyline strong enough, to overpower the bad acting and silly effects. Mold's storyline was good, not great, but strong enough to keep my interest. The acting and effects were bad, but it was still a pretty fun watch.
Bottome Line: This one ain't gonna make it on Fangoria's top 10 list this year, or mine for that matter, but it will stay safe from becoming a coaster.
-Ragman thought when he sneezed, he saw some mold. Nah, just a big bugger.

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