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Europe - Live at Sweden Rock (30th Anniversary Show)

It is hard to believe that Europe has been around for 30 years.  Seems like just yesterday, when I saw the video for The Final Countdown debut on Mtv.  Damn, I'm getting old!  Europe has just release the 30th anniversary show, which was filmed at the Sweden Rock festival.  The DVD is jam packed with 28 songs, clocking in at 2+ hours.  The show is a best of, spanning the band's entire career, as well as a few covers.  The band even had a few guest appearances from Scott Gorham (Thin Lizzy) and Michael Schenker (ex-UFO and Scorpions).  I will say, I was a bit disappointed to see that former guitarist Kee Marcello wasn't invited back for a few tunes.  That would have made the DVD for me.

As I stated earlier, Live at Sweden Rock, is a celebration of the band's 30 year career.  Even though the band shut it down for a while in the 90's, for awhile, they are still counting the missed time.  If you're a stickler for this type of thing, you might want to put an asterisk by the 30, but if not, then you'll enjoy this for what it is.  The DVD is shot very well, and is one of those DVD's that gives you the sense of being there  The band are spot on and sound great.  This DVD is a very fitting gift to the fans, from a band celebrating their career.  This one's a keeper.

Bottom Line:  Europe 30 years later.  The band proving that they can rock us, even if they have a few more years, under their belt.

- Ragman has been very impressed with the last couple of Europe DVD's, he has viewed

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