Hatriot - Dawn Of The New Centurion

If you dug their debut, you'll totally dig this. It's the classic Bay Area Thrash sound.It was only about a year ago that Hatriot unleashed its classic Bay Area Thrash sound on us with their thunderous debut, Heroes of Origin, handily grabbing CD of the Month for January in the process. And now they've come back to march all over our asses again with their follow-up, Dawn of the New Centurion. Backed by his sons, Cody and Nick, vocalist Steve "Zetro" Souza is known to most any longstanding fan of classic thrash, and with the twin guitar attack of Kosta V and Miguel Esparza, he turns shit to 11.
Dawn Of The New Centurion continues the theme of it's predecessor with vignettes of the plagues of our modern political American society; ignominious death, murder, and war. And like last year's Heroes Of Origin, Zetro and company's intention is not to revolutionlize metal or innovate, but to restore the former glory of classic thrash metal and basically does that. Tracks like Honor The Rise And Fall or the brilliantly named Superkillafragsadisticactsaresoatrocious sound like they've been unearthed from a time capsule buried in the mid 80s. I'm like a pig in shit over here.
The Bottom Line: Fans of Hatriot's impressive debut will find more of the same on Dawn Of The New Centurion to love, albeit with a little more restraint and lyrical refinement. It's a tactical narrowing of focus for a more precision strike, and thrash metal fans should definitely get this right now. Well?! GET GOING!
- Genghis is reminded that he needs to get some new camouflage cargo shorts...

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