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Super Duper Alice Cooper

You have to hand it to the boys at Banger Films, because these guys know how to make a great rock documentary.  The boys have tackled the world of hard rock and metal with a Headbanger's Journey as well as with Metal Evolution.  They also have also produced solid docs on Rush and Iron Maiden.  Their latest project to tackle is a documentary on the Godfather of Glam, Alice Cooper.  Each film these guys do, is a little different from the last, so be prepared for another solid experience.

Super Duper Alice Cooper dives into the transformation of Vince Furnier to Alice Cooper.  It is a Jekyll and Hyde story, in which a straight laced young man, from Phoenix, turns in to a rock n roll madman.  The film takes you all the way back, to the early days of Vince's career.  It chronicles from his first band, The Earwigs, all of the way up to the rise and fall of Alice Cooper.  It is a wild journey that shows how the excesses of drugs and alcohol, can come close to destroying one's life. 

The film is full of rare archived footage and still photography, which narrated by Alice and and other key people in his life.  I like how the film dove into the breakup of the Alice Cooper Band and how Alice, with the help of Bob Ezrin, was able to move forward, after the split.  Alice succeeded, after the band broke, but in the end fell victim to drugs and alcohol.  It wasn't until he conquered his demons, that he got his career back on track. 

The movie ends, as Alice is making his comeback into the rock world.  I really like that they touched on his comeback and his relationship with ex-guitarist Kane Roberts.  They were a solid team.  It is ashame their partnership didn't last longer.  Super Duper is a solid film from start to finish, which kept me wanting more.  An in depth look into one of the godfathers of glam and stage theatrics.


Bottom LineAnother solid rock doc from Banger films.  The rise and fall and resurrection of Alice Cooper.  A classic tale, of a man than lived to the excess of life but was able to wake up before his demons took his life.  A must for all Alice fans.

-Ragman is wondering if there will be a part 2.    


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