21 Octayne - 2.0

There are not too many bands out there, that I can say, offer it all. This is hard task for many band to do. If a band can offer more that one style, and kick ass at each one, then that's saying something. 21 Octayne is one of those bands. This band can bring aggression, melody and prog and mix them up into one big ball of savory ear candy. 21 Octayne have just released their second record 2.0 and it is bound to be one of the top picks of 2015. Okay, your saying Ragman, but what do they sound like, well imagine if Whitesnake, Dokken and Harem Scarem had a baby, and you'd be pretty close. These guys are the real deal.
2.0 start off in fine form, with the Dokken-esque barn burner, Devil in Disguise. It is an uptempo rocker, that has that classic (Back for the Attack) Dokken feel to it. It is a solid start to a solid disc. The next track, Take Me Back, has one of those infectious choruses, that will stay in your head for weeks. The next track, seeing a pattern here, When You Go, has that classic 87 Whitesnake vibe, mixed with some Harem Scarem. This song is probably my favorite, because it mixes in all of the great things, that I look for in a song. Melody, great hooks and a killer chorus. Once you think you have gotten these guys, then they throw a progressive curve ball, with the track Tale of a Broken Child. Solid from start to finish. You must add this to your collection.
Bottom Line: 21 Octayne is one of those bands that get it, because they can mix several styles of music and make it work. The guys are solid musicians, and it shows in the final product. One of the best CD's to come out this year.
Standout Tracks: When You Go, Take Me Back, Take Me Away, The Circle
-Ragman is looking to add some nitrous to his Murano, when he's playing this one.

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