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Forbidden Zone

There are some movies best watched inebriated, because if you don't, you'll end up scratching your head for about an hour and a half.  The latest movie to put me in this predicament, was The Forbidden Zone.  Actually, I might have enjoyed this one more, if I was under the influence of something more potent than a beer.  Unfortunately, there were no beers or anything else present, during this viewing.  Just to set the record straight, I'm not advocating drugs or alcohol, but I firmly believe that you need this sort of enhancement, to truly enjoy this movie.  Seeing it clean and sober, just kind of scrambles your psyche.

In a nutshell, Forbidden Zone is a twisted take on Alice and Wonderland.  It is about a girl that steps into an underground dimension, which is located in her family's basement.  Once she arrives, all this weird shit starts happening to her.  Long story short, she becomes hostage to the queen of this underworld, because the king (Herve Villechaise - Fantasy Island (Tattoo) falls in love with her.  It is then up to her very messed up family to rescue her.

As you can see, this is a pretty screwed up plot line.  The movie was entertaining, and I can see why it is a cult classic, but you have to be into this kind of weird shit, to enjoy it.  There are some really messed up things going on in this movie, that will turn the average movie fan off.  If you like cult classic, with a Rocky Horror vibe, then this movie is for you.

Bottom Line: Rocky Horror Picture Show meets Alice in Wonderland.  I can say no more.

-Ragman - I need a drink!!!!

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