Eat the Gun - Howlinwood

Eat the Gun is a band, that we discovered a couple of years ago, with their release, Stripped to the Bone. They are a really killer 3 piece, from Munster, Germany, that has an alt-rock sound, with an edge. Their music is catchy as hell, and will stay with you for days. They have been around since 2002, and have just recently released their 5th album, on SPV, titled Howlinwood.
Howlinwood starts off in fine form, with the title track, which is an up-tempo rocker, that has one of those sing along style choruses, that gets in your head and doesn't let go. The next track Falling, probably my fave, is also melodic, as hell and will have you singing along as well. It reminds me, of the melodic side of Volbeat, because of the infectious melody and catchy ness of the tune. It is also up-tempo rocker, that is destined to be a hit for the band, if they can get some airplay. About every tune on this CD is solid. The only one that didn't standout, is the last track on the CD, Anger.
I could go on, and on, about every track, but you need to hear this thing for yourself. There is a nice blend of up and mid-tempo songs, rounded out by some slower tunes, to finish the CD. As many of you know, I'm big on tracklistings, and I think this one flows well. They hit you in the face, for 3/4 of the record, before letting you up for air, towards the end, starting with the classic rock vibe of The Drudge and then ending with the acoustic song, Anger. Solid effort from the lads.
Bottom Line: A fresh new band, even though they've been around 13 years. Great songs, and solid melodies round out this new disk. A nice mix of alt rock with some classic vibes.
Standout Tracks: Falling, The Drudge, Blood on your Hands, Electric Life
-Ragman is digging this band, more and more, with each listen.
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