Aerosmith - Rocks Donnington 2014

There are certain veteran bands, that you don't realize how long they've been around, or how many hits they had, over the decades, until you see them live. It isn't until you go see these bands live, that the light bulb goes off, and you think to yourself, holy shit, I know every song, that they just played. Aerosmith, definitely falls into this category, because they have such a rich catalog of songs, that they have been consistently putting out, over the past 40+ years. That said, they have just released a great new live DVD/CD package called Aerosmith - Rocks Donnington 2014.
The DVD starts with an intro, showing the band backstage, before the gig, doing a little schtick. The thing about this backstage footage, is that you notice how much these guys have aged. The guys are really showing their age now, but aren't they all in their 60's? It amazes me, that these guys, that road it hard back in the day, still look as good as they do, and that they are still able to go on stage, and rock every night. That said, you start to questions, if they can still bring it, but after seeing them, just a year or so ago, I knew they could.
Rocks Donningiton, is shot very well, and gives you a sense of being, right in the middle of a massive festival crowd. The band sound great and put on one hell of a show. The thing that blew me away, the most, was Steven Tyler's performance. Tyler is just 3 years away from pushing 70, and the guy has still got it. He was moving around the stage, like he was in his prime, as well as sounding amazing. Joe Perry commanded the stage, as well, and played his axe with precision. The rest of the band put on a great show as well.
The set list, for this performance, covers a lot of bases, within the band's long career. Mostly hits, with a few lesser known tracks thrown in, to keep the diehards happy. I think the coolest thing about this show, is that it looked like the band were really enjoying themselves. They've had their problems over the years, but it looks that those are behind them. This is a great package, and must for any Aerosmith fan.
Bottom Line: Aerosmith proving that they are rock royalty. The band brings it as hard in 2015, as they did back in the day. The band are having fun and it shows on this stellar performance.
-Ragman thinks he like this performance, better than the last time he caught em' in the flesh.

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