Thundermother - Road Fever

Itchin' for some more of that sweet Scandinavian rock? Say hello to Thundermother.It's a testament to the pure energy of rock n' roll that bands like Motörhead can still pack venues, from small clubs to arenas crammed with screaming fans, armed with not much more than a handful of chords and a semi truck of attitude. And what I find truly amazing is that we seem to be enjoying a new era of bands that embrace this stripped-down, no bullshit approach to the genre with an authentic sound that doesn't feel recycled.
Which brings me to Thundermother and their second album Road Fever. In the spirit of hard rocking bands like the legendary Motörhead or Australia's Airbourne, this hellraisin' quintet shares a love of classic, AC/DC-style hard rockin' and is road-tested and good to go. The combination of lead guitarist Filippa Nässil's raunchy riffing and singer Clare Cunningham's whiskey-and-cigarette marinated delivery make for a one two sonic punch to the dome that should keep a bar crowd going all fucking night. This ain't gonna re-write the rule book or anything, but it's satisfying to hear genuine material like this coming from a group of rowdy women that doesn't come off like a gender-swapping gimmick. Hell, there's even the requisite hard rock staple, a song about self-pleasure. Horns up, man - uh, ma'am.
The Bottom Line: Thundermother is some of the best bar music you could ask for. If you're looking for a soundtrack to an evening of beer-fuelled hell raising, this'll do ya.
Tunes That Require You To Wear Some Kind Of Leather: FFWF, Deal With The Devil, Enemy, and Thunder Machine
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