Corduroy - Honky

Women always tell me wearing corduroy just isn't attractive. Uhhh...The retro thing still lingers in hard rock and heavy metal music, but that's not necessarily a bad thing any more than hearing a neo-classical band. As long as the band has the goods and isn't cashing in, it's a genuine pleasure to listen to that kind of groove when the mood strikes. And so it is with Corduroy, which features JD Pinkus, Bobby Ed Landgraf and drummer Trinidad Leal, and it's album Honky.
This is some serious Southern groove metal replete with tasty riffs, cotton candy fuzz, and boogie-woogie beats galore - I mean the third song on the album has a fucking horn section! And this shit works, man. Pull this album out at a your next party, get your mind right, and fucking jam, baby. There's a sweet ZZ Top vibe beneath the layers of meaty distortion that keeps things light and loose from a rhythym angle, and while this album ain't breaking any rule books (though there's some tasty shreddage lurking amongst the double-stops), it's some damn fine groovin' hard rock, ya savvy?
The Bottom Line: Remember the roots of modern metal and hard rock are found in the kind of music Corduroy's putting out, with a healthy dose of shuffling and grooving, with tongue in cheek, that owes much to the blues. Check these boys out if you're looking for a good Southern-style party album.
- Genghis is in the mood for some barbecue and beer...

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