The Slayer

Recently, another 80's cult classic horror movie was given the 4K transfer treatment, by our good friends at Arrow Video. The Slayer is your classic slasher film with a twist. The Slayer was a film that has not been seen for several years, unless you still have a VHS. It wasn't until just recently that the film became available again. The 4K transfer is very nice and really brings this movie into the new millennium.
The Slayer is about 2 couples that go to a secluded island for a relaxing retreat, but little do they know, that a storm is heading their way, as well as a serial killer. The film has a nice dynamic, making you wonder if the lead character is going crazy or losing touch with reality, because of her realistic dreams/delusions. This film was very well done. The kill scenes are very impressive and the special effects truly add to these scenes.
As I have said in the past, there were so many horror movies coming out in the early 80's, that some got lost in the shuffle and The Slayer was one of them. This is a classic slasher flick and should be picked up by most horror fans.
Bottom Line: A classic 80's slasher flick that you most likely have not seen. A good film from start to finish.
-Ragman is wondering how this one never came onto his radar, back in the day.

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