Podcast Interview: Jorn Lande

Look directly into Jorn's eyes and you risk being turned into one of his crow minions. No foolin'!The boys recently caught up with Jorn Lande to discuss his latest release, Life on Death Road. Jorn discussed how the album, and his new band, came together, as well as how he ended up working with the guys in Voodoo Circle for this new release and what their plans are going forward. Jorn also discusses his Pentakill project and much, much more.
And hey if you dig Jorn's music as much as we do, show those guys some love by purchasing their latest album, Life on Death Road, from your favorite online store won't you? Oh, and HORNS UP!
Featured Tracks: Jorn - Out of Every Nation; Pentakill - Lightbringer; Jorn - Life on Death Road, Hammered to the Cross (The Business), The Slippery Slope (Hangman's Rope), I Walked Away, and Running Up That Hill
- Ragman is wondering where/when he and Jorn are going to meet up for a beer...

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