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« The Ragman Show - Podcast-056 | Main | The Ragman Show - Podcast-054 »

The Ragman Show - Podcast-055

Do storms shake you up?  How many shows have you missed due to a bad storm?  Join Ragman as he talks about the recent storm that shut down most of Houston for several days.  He also talks about taking his girlfriend to her first rock concert.  Which band is the right for a person's first show?  So many choices.  Rag's talks about his dilemma and which show he picked for her first rock concert experience?  Next Ragman welcomes in Warlord (ex-Fates Warning) drummer Mark Zonder to discuss their latest album Free Spirit Soar.  Mark talks about the origin of many of the songs as well as how they were able to include guitar tracks featuring Bill Tsamis.  He also talks about the cult follwoing of the band amd how the fans have kept them going.  So buckle in, grab a beer and get ready to rock!  Horns Up!

Beer of the Show:  Celestial Beerworks - Stare at the Sun  Beer Rating:  4.0

Featured Tracks:  Devour the Day - Empty, Falling in Reverse - Ronald, W.A.S.P. - I Want to Be Somebody, Vended - The Far Side, Kings X - Mission, Goldilox, Warlord - Lucifer's Hammer, Child of the Damned, The Bell Tolls, Worms of the Earth, Conquerors, Battle of the Living Dead.

Ragman has power....

The Ragman Show - Episode 55

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