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Dolla Morte

It's a Bill Zebub flick. What did you really expect?Everytime I think I've seen it all, I put in a Bill Zebub movie and get reminded that I'm wrong.  Bill Zebub movies are like a train wreck; as much as you know that you shouldn't look, you're compelled to do so.  The latest trainwreck er... film from Mr. Zebub, that I have been graced with, is the re-release of his controversial movie Dolla Morte.  Being a big fan of Team America, I was game.  I thought, okay this might actually be funny.  Unfortunately, I forgot what I was dealing with.  This isn't done by the guys that created Southpark, this movie was done by they guy that did Assmonster

Dolla Morte starts with a disclaimer stating that they don't mean to offend, and that the movie was all done in fun.  Okay, I buy that, but it got me thinking, what the fuck have they done this time.  Dolla Morte, cast is made up of Barbie and Ken dolls as well as a few action figures.  The story line is hard to follow and pretty idiotic, as you might of guessed.  Nothing is sacred in this demented tale of U.S. president vs. Dracula, in a battle to destroy all of humanity.  The humor is crude and sophomoric at best.  I think this could have worked better, had the voice overs been stronger and the script had been better.  Not sure if this one was just put out to offend, or if they generally thought it was funny.  No tellin.

Bottom Line:  Bill Zebub doing what he does best; offending the masses.  This one definitely crosses the line on several occasions, but if you take it for what it is, it won't bother you as much.  Not proud to say this, but I've seen better doll movies.

- Ragman wonders what ever happened to his G.I. Joe...

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