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Absence - Enemy Unbound

Melodic death metal of the highest order: big riffs and insane axework!It seems like the Swedish Death Metal scene has started to die down over the last couple of years.  It has morphed into more of a melodic mix of death and clean vocals in the style of bands like Bullet for My Valentine.  There are a few bands out there that are still flying the flag, and they aren't all from Sweden, believe it or not.  Tampa Bay, Florida bashers The Absence are back and have just released their 3rd CD entitled Enemy Unbound.

Enemy Unbound picks up with the last 2 records have left off, keeping the same formula that has made them what they are today.  This is Swedish death metal at its best.  The band have a brutal, The Haunted vibe mixed with a classic, melodic, In Flames sound.  Sounds cool, doesn't it?  Check out the first real track on the CD Erased and you'll hear what I mean: this CD is packed full of great tracks with big riffs, and catchy melodies.  I really dig the title track which exemplifies my point - and it will rock your balls. 

One of the strongest things about this band/CD are the great harmonies and hooks that guitarists Peter Joseph and Patrick Pintavalle whip out.  These guys work well together and they can rip.  All in all, a very strong release.  If I were to criticize anything it would be that the instrumentals could have been better; they kind of drone on without really going anywhere.  The band doesn't necessarily break any new ground, but they do deliver some killer metal.

Bottom Line: Great melodic death metal. Cool songs with big riffs.  Nice melody and extraordinary axemanship. 

Standout Tracks: Erased, Enemy Unbound, Deepest Wound and The Bridge

- Ragman has been looking for a CD like this to get him thrashing again...

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