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Triggersoul - Restoration

A strong debut CD from a band with big hooks and catchy choruses.Three years is a long time to wait to have your debut CD released, but if you lose one of your bandmates in the process, then it makes a lot of sense.  Triggersoul went through this unfortunate set of circumstances right around the time that their debut CD was about to be released.  The band was coming off of a major high by signing their first deal - as well as having their CD mixed by legendary producer Michael Wagner.  It seemed like there was nothing stopping this band, until the tragic loss of guitarist Aaron Roe, after which the band disbanded until just recently.  In 2010, the band regrouped and released their debut CD Restoration on Jamsync Music.  Not sure what the fate of the band is today, but now we'll be able to hear what they were all about.

Triggersoul has a heavy modern rock sound like Godsmack or Mudvayne mixed with the heavier sounds of Pantera and BLS.  They really remind me of a lesser known band called Doubledrive, but I digress.  The songs on Restoration are well-written and delivered with lots of attitude.  I'm not sure if these guys are a Christian hard rock band, but they do have some lyrics that would lead the listener to think that might be the case.  The CD is full of rockers and ballads, but I think I leaned toward some of the ballads on this CD because they're so strong.  Two of the strongest ballads on the CD are Forgotten and Affliction.  Both tracks are modern rock ballads that could be heard on any buzz station with the right push.  All in all a solid release.  Looking for some modern rock with an edge?  Then check these guys out.

Bottom Line: Guitar-driven rock with catchy chrouses and big hooks.

Standout Tracks: Forgotten, Affliction, Enemy Lines and Wasted Years

- Ragman likes him some radio rock every once in a while...

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