The Magnificent (self-titled)

These guys have earned their name. Their Scandinavian brand of guitar-driven melodic rock is...well, you know.Man, I love me some melodic rock bands. And I mean like old school stuff, with lush choruses and sweet, shredding solos - and hair teased up bigger than a Texas debutante. I'm not saying it's Beethoven or anything, but like your favorite dessert, you don't question the intellectual merits of it, you just savor it with a satisfied smile.
The Magnificent is a Scandinavian band (with members from Norway to Finland) made up of two talented dudes with a common love of this genre of music. Michael Eriksen (vocalist for Circus Maximus) and Torsti Spoof (guitarist/producer for Leverage) have made a damn fine album of melodic rock tunes that evoke the best of bands like Nation, Harem Scarem, or even Joe Lynn Turner-led Malmsteen (Cheated By Love especially evokes some Yngwie-esque riffage).
The Bottom Line: European bands know how to make some kick ass melodic rock, so put on your spandex, unbutton your pirate shirt, and get ready to air guitar your ass off with The Magnificent.
Aquanet-soaked Tracks: Satin & Lace, Love's On The Line, Cheated By Love and Tired of Dreaming (holy shit this song is good!)
- Genghis has never needed hair spray to get his hair all big...

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