Famous Underground - S/T

Do you remember Slik Toxik? I do sort of. They hit the scene, right as grunge was rearing it's ugly head, back in the early 90's. The band had some moderate success, but soon disappeared, as most hard rock bands, did at the time. Even though grunge killed the scene in the early 90's, vocalist Nick Walsh has persevered and has been flying the hard rock/metal flag. His latest endeavor is Famous Underground, which is a nice mix of 80's tinged hard rock with a modern vibe. The CD starts off strong with the opener Wasteland and does not let up from there. The songs are well executed and catchy as hell. There is a nice mix of rockers with a couple of ballads thrown in for good measure. The songs have a heavy edge, but overflow with melody. This is one of those CD's, that you catch yourself singing along to, after just a few spins. Go get this one.
Bottom Line: 80's tinged melodic hard rock with an edge. Welll crafted tunes that are memorable and that will stick with you. Nick Walsh showing that you can't keep a good man down, and that he can rock as hard as he did 20 years ago.
Standout Tracks: Wasteland, Love Stands Still, Dead Weight and On Broken Wings
-Ragman likes a good comeback story.

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