Nightmare on Elmo's Street

Who other than Bill Zebub, would think up a movie, in which puppets were living things, that assaulted or molested people, every chance they got. Well, welcome to a Nightmare of Elmo's Street. Unfortunately, Elmo didn't make a cameo, but a few of his friends from the street did. This is classic Bezbub, because it is a combination of humor, along with some of the freakish shit, that you've ever laid your eyes on; set to a death metal soundtrack.
Nightmare on Elmo street, is about a guy named Barbara (Bezub), disguised as a cable guy, who is working with the puppets, to figure out who the haters are. Well if he figures out who they are, then he is allowed to rape them, which causes them to die a quick death. Kooky I know, but Zebub's humor, is so twisted, you can't help from chuckling a time or two, during the course of the flick. The only downside, is that I thought, that the film drug, in a few spots, and I lost interest a few times. Fortunately that didn't last long, because of all of the weird shit going on.
Bottom Line: Would you expect anything less from Zebub? If you're not offended and amused, at the same time, then he isn't doing his job, now is he? I got both out of this one.
-Ragman is still wondering why Elmo, was not in his own movie. Must of been a contractual problem.

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