Island of Death

Island of Death, is about a young British couple, that take a trip to the Greek Isles, for a bloody vacation, and I do mean bloody. The film was shot back in 1976, but has recently gotten the Bluray treatment. It was a fairly controversial film, for its time, being banned from some theaters in the UK, back in the day.
The story starts off, like I said, with a you couple, in love, that has an axe to grind, with about everyone on the island. They are a murderous Bonnie and Clyde, if you will, but instead of money, their payback, in their eyes, is salvation. They come off at times, saying they are doing the Lord's, work by killing people with different morals that they have. Funny thing is, is that they are more degenerate, than the people that they are killing. The most shocking twist comes at the end, but I'm not gonna spoil it for you.
I have to say, this is one of the better horror flicks, that I've seen in awhile, and it was released almost 40 years ago. The acting is solid and the story line keeps you at the edge of your seat, for the whole film. I never saw the film originally, but the transfer to blueray is beautiful. So if you're looking for a demented horror flick, for the weekend, than this one's for you.
Bottom Line: When you see a film like this, it makes you wonder how many more are out there, that you haven't seen yet. This one was a nail biter from start to finish. Gory, disgusting and immoral all wrapped up into one movie. I loved it.
-Ragman is getting ready for Halloween already.

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