Battlecross - Rise To Power

Those Michigan madmen have returned to finish what they started years ago - the utter destruction of your brain via metal.Damn, I love Battlecross. And, Rise To Power, the Michigan moshers' followup to 2013's CD of the Month, War Of Will, is nothing short of a metal manifesto that reads simply: "Thrash or die, motherfuckers".
Where to start? Suffice it to say everything you liked about the previous record still holds true, only more so as the aggression is ramped up without sacrificing the melodic elements that set it above the crowd. The interplay between the death metal tendencies of guitarist Hiran Deraniyagala and the melodic stylings of other guitarist Tony Asta as they come together in these tighter arrangements is quite impressive. And you can't discount the backbeat contribution of the amazing 22-year old newcomer Alex Bent on drums. This cat beats those skins like they stole something, dude. Fucking crazy rhythms man.
The Bottom Line: Listen, if you were a fan before, this new album will merely harden your resolve. But if you're a thrash fan and new to Battlecross, this may just cause spontaneous hair growth and crotch bulging. Side effects may include extreme headbanging and aggressive tendencies, so speak with your doctor.
- Genghis can't get enough of good thrash...

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